April 1, 2009

April Fools!

As everyone knows today is April Fools Day, what most people don't know it is our friend Shane's Birthday. Every year people from his work would buy him princess cakes or Blues Clues or some other kind of kid cake. We always have him over on his birthday for a birthday dinner and cake, the kids make him cards. This year was no different, except I didn't make a nice cake. I made a Kitty Litter Cake! LOL! Don't worry it was totally editable and absolutely delicious, that is if you can get past the look of it!

The cake is actually chocolate cake and yellow cake mixed with vanilla pudding. The topping is vanilla cream cookies crumbled and a third of them colored with green food coloring. The poop is melted tootsie rolls. We put it into a real (new & clean) kitty litter pan and used a (new & clean) pooper scooper to serve it. And yes Shane liked it!


  1. That is great! I would have never thought of something like that. I don't think I would have been able to eat it even if I did. lol

  2. Haha, Asher and I both looked at it and started cracking up. That is so creative. Love it.


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